Luglio 2016 – 4th NET Patient Advocate Summit

11/12/13 luglio 2016 – Plovdiv (BG).

La presidente Adele Santini e il Coordinatore del Comitato Scientifico Nazionale – Dott. Piero Ferolla sono stati a Plovdiv l’11, 12 e 13 luglio per l’incontro programmatico del 2016 di tutte le Associazioni mondiali Net, membri dell’INCA.

With some of the thought leaders in NETs from Europe, US, Australia and New Zealand joining us as speakers.

The Summit agenda focuses on:
– Understanding and addressing the information needs of NET patients
– Collaborating with medical experts to advance research and elevate standards of care in NETs
– Latest updates on the NET treatments and clinical trials from expert medical speakers

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